South Carolina based racing souvenir company,, joins Action Motorsports as a marketing partner for the 2007 racing season and beyond. "Any race fan knows what a racing donut is, but until now racing donuts were found only on race cars", stated Scooter Allison, driver of the Action Motorsports Chevrolet. "This thing is a completely different souvenir. It reminds me of the three dimensional baseballs that look like they have busted into the back glass of a car. Racing donuts show your allegiance to the sport of auto racing. Best of all, they are removable and reusable." Rob White, owner and developer of, agrees, "This is old school, racing donuts have been around since racing started and this is one that you can put on your own car with water and a squeegee. It looks like you have been trading paint, not afraid to help someone yield at the merge. Yet, this one peels off when you want it to, and you can re-use it over and over."
Racing Donuts are available through the official website at, or they may be purchased through Action Motorsports at the track or through the team website, "We're offering our fans a great deal on the racing donuts", stated Allison. "At the track they're only $12.00 a piece, or we'll ship them to their new home for an additional $2.43 if purchased through our website, which helps our team. We're just so glad to be part of somthing that gets local attention and brings race fans together."
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